Yesterday I woke up in the morning and realised that it's been 10 years since I came to live in this country. It was a great decision and one that, no matter what happens, I'll never ever regret. It's also a very bad time for my home country, with the fires being out of control and an extraordinary number of people dying. I wish Greece could be in the news about something positive once - and don't mention the Olympics. Anyway, it was really nice to spend the afternoon with Martijn and Dimitra because I have a feeling that they have the same sense of fear and expectation that we had when we first came here. It's still like that in fact. Living abroad keeps on your toes because there's always that other place.
Been feeling quite lost this weekend and kept catching myself stopping and blanking out. I'm not sure if it was sadness or longing or stress, I can never tell. Last night I had all the lights turned off in our front room and was just staring out of the window for ages listening to Rachmaninov's piano concerto no.3 (in a recording with Rachmaninov himself on the piano), my favourite piece of classical music and something I can really appreciate because I can sing along to it. The sign of good pop. And the sign of a good view, I suppose, if you can sit there for ages, with your head sticking out of the window.
:: Clare
1 day ago
And lovely it was to spend the afternoon with you. :)
I like that view too. I mean, you can see trains. What can beat that?
Yes I totally agree about the view. And about the singing along. That's why I fell in love with Belle & Sebastian in the first place, back in 1999. It looked like a funny reason at the time!
Aw you two should come over more often so we can look at the trains and point at the sky. x
Be careful what you wish for :)
Very nnice post
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